Current Wait Time

Based on appointments in the last 90 days

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Location Map

Global Entry Application Process

Get expedited customs clearance when returning to the United States


Submit Your Application Online

Visit the DHS Trusted Traveler Program website to apply:

Wait for Conditional Approval

Processing times vary from 24 hours to several months. You'll be notified by email once your application is conditionally approved.


Schedule Your Interview

This is where we can help! New appointments become available daily when others cancel or reschedule.


Appointments are held in the Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport Terminal Building, 600 Terminal Drive, Louisville KY 40209, in a conference room on the Departures level behind the Spirit Airlines ticket counter. For questions regarding the location, please call 502-368-6524. All other questions must be directed to US Customs and Border Protection.

Important Notes

1) ***REMEMBER TO BRING ALL VALID PASSPORTS TO YOUR INTERVIEW.*** 2) Proof of Residency Notice - If the address on your Driver's License is not current, please bring proof of residency. (I.e., bank statement, utility bill, monthly mortgage statement, etc.) 3) U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents need to bring their Lawful Permanent Resident Card (I.e., I-551, Green Card).