Current Wait Time

Based on appointments in the last 90 days

11 days

This is the typical wait time without using our service to secure earlier appointments through cancellations

Current Available Appointments

Get notified when earlier appointments become available

No appointments currently available

Location Map

Global Entry Application Process

Get expedited customs clearance when returning to the United States


Submit Your Application Online

Visit the DHS Trusted Traveler Program website to apply:

Wait for Conditional Approval

Processing times vary from 24 hours to several months. You'll be notified by email once your application is conditionally approved.


Schedule Your Interview

This is where we can help! New appointments become available daily when others cancel or reschedule.


The enrollment center is located in the Ronald Reagan Building, on the ground level. The enrollment center is located near the Woodrow Wilson Plaza entrance. The Ronald Reagan Building is located next to the Federal Triangle Metro Station (Blue and Orange lines.)

Important Notes

Please bring a copy of your appointment verification, all valid travel documents (e.g. passport, visas, green card, etc.), and proof of residency (driver's license / utility bill). Applicants must have scheduled appointments in order to interview. “Walk-in” interviews are permitted only for Trusted Traveler Programs (TTP) active members, who are in need of updating or adding travel documents to their account profiles; require formal name changes (marriage or other); require formal address changes; or are returning to the enrollment center at the request of the attending CBP staff.